BTCC: Oulton Park 2022

June 16, 2022

The team arrived at Oulton Park with some possible upgrades as they have been working hard on getting the cars’ balance right which involves using new dampers. This morning’s sessions were based around trying set-ups for those new dampers which can only be done out on track.

The two free practice sessions were positive — the new dampers have made a real difference and both Laser Tools Racing drivers were soon finding the handling much more to there liking. Dexter was able to complete six laps more than Aiden and continues to learn the car and the circuits with great maturity. Sometimes he is so laid back that it is difficult to remember that this is only his 4th race weekend in the BTCC. As he says himself: “I know I have a lot to learn, but I am pleased with things so far. I have to take so much on board, but if I want to succeed I need to be really committed.”



Qualifying started at 3.30 pm on the Saturday afternoon.  Dexter was trying three short runs and while his first run was positive, the red flag with only four minutes to go hampered his second run. At the end it was Dexter in 22th and this is where they were positioned to start Race 1 on the Sunday morning.


Race 1

Off the line, both Dexter and Aiden got good starts, although as with everyone below 18th place, there is the slight disadvantage of being on the edge of the slope down to Deer’s Leap. However, unfortunate luck for Dexter as he got a puncture, so he had to pit with while the safety car was out. Despite losing most of a lap to the field, Dexter was soon back on it and was catching the field as the safety car came in. Dexter was able to get back up to the field and get a couple of overtakes in to finish in 23rd.


Race 2

On the grid it was Aiden 12th and Dexter in 23rd. Confidence was high and Aiden, Dexter and the team where all ready to go. Aiden wanted more points and to have some success with the reverse grid for Race 3 and Dexter wanted to gain some places. Off the line, both Aiden and Dexter got good starts. Dexter once again was really consistent in this, his 4th race weekend in Britain’s premier motorsport series, showing a maturity that is really impressive. His hard work paid off, as he was able to gain three places during the race to come home 20th.



Race 3

Dexter had a great start off the line starting 20th and battling — and beating — those around him to finish 15th and earn his very first championship point. A brilliant end to the weekend for Dexter and the rest of the Laser tools Racing team.